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Mar 25, 2022

What do the Jay Treaty, the Logan Act, Fries' Rebellion, and the Alien and Sedition Acts have to do with this time? Are they all connected? We are taking a short break from our series on Charles I this week. Instead we will be discussing the XYZ Affair. The 1790s in America were almost as messy as the 1640s in England....

Mar 18, 2022

As 1641 rolled into 1642, there was a monumental political battle that took place in London. A political chess match that forever changed the English government. It would be the catalyst for change throughout the "Western" world. In the end, John Pym would force Charles I to flee England. John Pym's creativity...

Mar 11, 2022

As Charles wrestled with the Scottish invasion and a necessary Parliament, the Irish rebelled and complicated everything. The Earl of Strafford, a trusted advisor, was in the crosshairs of John Pym. The politics of the 1640s was off to a roaring start! The walls seemed to be closing in on Charles; the world was...

Mar 4, 2022

Over the course of his reign, Charles I had made a lot of enemies. He managed to insult just about everybody at one time or another. Nothing compared to what happened with Scotland. This was a situation he had created that could not be ignored. They would not let it go. He needed help. He needed Parliament to raise...